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Welcome to Royal Trading Minerals Limited (RTM Ltd)

By benefiting from our potential power and benefiting from various and exclusive Minerals and Precious Metals mines, our company has been involved with great mining projects of minerals and precious metals at various areas along with providing valuable services.

We are your trusted partner in mineral products, with years of industry expertise and a commitment to innovation, we provide top-quality products and services that meet the unique needs of our business clients.

Whether you’re in the power generation, manufacturing, or transportation industries, we have the expertise and resources to help your business succeed.

Royal Trading Minerals Limited

We are a producer of nickel, one of the most versatile metals in existence.

Gold, rough diamonds etc and maintains its mechanical and physical properties even when subjected to extreme temperatures.

Our high-quality minerals are also valued for their applications in plating and batteries. It gives your bathroom taps and shower heads their bright metallic finish. It’s in everything from your coins to your car. You’ll also find it in your mobile phone and the rechargeable batteries that power it while you’re sending a text, checking email, and staying in touch. 


We are trading machinery and minerals both. Read more about our product.


We have a well experienced staff made up of the best miners you can think of


For Contact us and get consultants services, try the link below and contact us essay.

In the case of Industry, Bringing new technologies and new ways of processing especially in mining is what we are focused on in Royal Trading Minerals Limited



Bauxite is an earthy brown, red coloured sedimentary rock which on first glance, looks more like a soft clay or marl and indeed it is, being a…


Gold bars have been a presence in precious metal trading for centuries and are sometimes referred to as gold bullion or gold ingots….

Rough Diamonds


Copper (Cu), chemical element, a reddish, extremely ductile metal of Group 11 (Ib) of the periodic table that is an unusually good conductor….


With long-term relationships with nickel and cobalt smelters and refineries, Royal Trading Minerals Limited is one of the largest sellers….


Expertise: Our experienced team maximizes your mineral potential with innovative solutions from extensive industry knowledge.

Customization: We collaborate with clients to deliver custom solutions for timely, high-quality, and cost-effective mineral delivery.

Sustainability: We prioritize sustainability and ethics, with strict quality, safety, and environmental standards for the best minerals and minimal environmental impact.

Competitive Advantage: Partner with Energy Mineral Trading for competitive advantage; our innovative solutions and excellence drive your success.